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Helpful Phone Numbers

Please visit the website of the Canadian Centre for Information on Missing Adults at:

Bereavement Program - CMHA
Phone: 519-255-7440

Better Business Bureau of Windsor
Phone: 519-258-7222

Children's Aid Society (Child Protection)
Phone: 519-252-1171

Children's Crisis Service
Phone: 519-252-2720

Community Crisis Center (24 hr. crisis support)
Phone: 519-973-4435

Phone: 519-258-8477

Distress Center (Crisis support)
Phone: 519-256-5000

Domestic Violence (Medical Treatment)
Phone: 519-255-2234

Hiatus House (Abuse Shelter & Counseling)
Phone: 519-252-7781

Kids Helpline
Phone: 1-800-668-6868

MCC:  Violence Against Women (Interpreters)
Phone: 519-255-1127

Parent Helpline
Phone: 519-257-5437

Phone Busters
Phone: 1-888-495-8501

Red Cross (Fire & Disaster Services)
Phone: 519-944-8144

Sexual Assault Treatment (Medical Treatment)
Phone: 519-255-2234

Sexual Assault Crisis (Counseling)
Phone: 519-253-9667

Teen Health Center (Medical & Counseling)
Phone: 519-253-8481

Victim Assistant (Windsor Police)
Phone: 519-255-6700 x 4879

Victim Witness Assistance Program
Phone: 519-253-2897 (Court Support Services)

Victim Services Windsor Essex County
Phone: 519-723-2711 (Crisis Services)

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